  User guide
  Release notes
  1. Pre-requesites
2. Binaries installation
3. Database initialization
4. Data migration from version 0.2 to version 0.3
5. Data migration from version 0.3 to version 0.4
6. Start the application

1. Pre-requesites

Activity Manager needs a Java Development Kit (see http://java.sun.com). The JDK must be rightly configured (ie. in the PATH environment variable).

Optionnaly, if you don't want to work in standalone mode (refer to the user guide for more details about the different modes), you will need a MySQL database server. In that case, we suppose that it is rightly configured and that you have the root password. MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser may help you to configure your server.

Activity Manager has been tested with JDK1.4.2 and MySQL Server 4.1.14 on a windows platform (Win2000 & WinXP).

2. Binaries installation

Download the binary archive and simply uncompress it on your disk wherever you want to.

3. Database initialization

Now, Activity Manager creates automatically the database tables. For this reason, this step is really light weight.

  1. Standalone mode : nothing to do !

  2. MySQL server mode : (database and user creation)

    Check that the parameter 'skip-networking' is commented in mysql configuration file, especially on linux platforms (typically located in c:\windows\my.cnf, c:\windows\my.ini, /etc/my.cnf, /etc/my.ini, ... (this parameter is not compatible with JDBC access))

    If you want to work with a different account than root (which is a good idea!), follow these steps :

    Connect to MySQL database server with your root account :
    mysql -u root -p [-h <mysql host>] mysql

    Create the database by executing the following queries (choose a name for your database) :
    drop database if exists <your database name>;
    create database <your database name>;

    Create a user account by executing the following queries (choose a name and a password for your database user) :
    delete from mysql.user where user='<your user name>';
    grant all privileges on <your database name>.* to <your user name>@'%' identified by '<your password>';
    flush privileges;

    Disconnect from the database with the command : quit

  3. Custom mode : help yourself ! (contact me if you need a help)

4. Data migration from version 0.2 to version 0.3

In order to migrate a V0.2 model to a V0.3 compliant model, follow these steps :

  • With Activity Manager V0.2, export the model (in the database tab, specify a file name and click on export)
  • Make a backup of the file you've just generated
  • Edit the XML file with a text editor (TextPad or anything else)
  • Localize the duration nodes which may look like this : <duration>25<duration>
  • Modify each duration node like this : <duration><value>25</value></duration>
  • Save the file.
  • If you use MySql, prepare a database for Activity Manager 0.3 (see 'Database initialization' for more details)
  • Start Activity Manager V0.3 and import this file (in the database tab, specify the file name, click on import and click successively on 'OK', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No')
  • It should be over!

5. Data migration from version 0.3 to version 0.4

In order to migrate a V0.3 model to a V0.4 compliant model, follow these steps :

  • With Activity Manager V0.3, export the model (in the database tab, specify a file name and click on export)
  • If you use MySql, prepare a database for Activity Manager 0.4 (see 'Database initialization' for more details)
  • Start Activity Manager V0.4 and import this file (in the database tab, specify the file name, click on import and click successively on 'OK', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No')
  • It should be over!

6. Start the application

Please refer to the User Guide for more details about how to run Activity Manager.

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